The I-RAPTER Advanced Course (WMD-CD-31766 International Radiological Assistance Programme Training for Emergency Response) was offered for the second time by the Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence and US Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). The course was conducted from 6 - 9 November 2017. Ten course participants (from CZE, EGY, SVK, SVN and POL), mostly members of armed forces, enjoyed a mix of theoretical lessons, practical activities and exercises. Radiological material identification exercises were conducted in cooperation with CZE University of Defence (NBC Defence Institute / Radiological Laboratory) and Air Museum in Vyškov.

After the Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence (JCBRND CoE) had taken the initiative to join the project eNOTICE (European Network of CBRN Training Centres), a kick-off meeting has taken place on 15 September 2017 in Bruxelles (BEL). The project, which is run under the umbrella Horizon 2020 (an EU initiative to foster EU wide co-operation, inter alia in the field of multinational security), aims at establishing a pan-European network of civilian and military CBRN training centres, fostering their co-operation and, if possible, aligning their activities to increase efficiency and gain synergy effects.

German Central Manual A-2620/1 “Political Education within the Armed Forces” requires Germans serving in multinational headquarters and units to having regularly political education. Topics should be focussed on historical developments, political and military structures, and procedures of the contributing nations. It goes without saying that the manual applies to the four German soldiers serving in the JCBRND COE as well. Consequently, COL Volker R. Quante, in his capacity as German Senior National Representative, and in close cooperation with the German Military Attaché in Prague, LTC (GS) Stefan Halberstadt, organised a one-day educational event in Prague on 6th November 2017.

The Republic of Turkey hosted the 29th Doctrine and Terminology Panel (DTP) meeting in Antalya from 30 OCT – 03 NOV 2017. DTP is one out of seven NATO Joint CBRN Defence Capability Development Group’s panels (JCBRND-CDG).

Fifteen nations (AUS, BEL CAN, CZE, DNK, FRA, DEU, ITA, NLD, NOR, POL, ESP, TUR, GBR, USA) were represented, as well as ACO, (MCMSB) MAROPSWG, and JCBRND COE. For the first time C-IED COE provided a participant.

On 1st November the Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence celebrated the 62nd anniversary of the German Armed Forces (“Bundeswehr”). COL Volker R. Quante, German Senior National Representative, invited all COE members to commemorate the foundation of the Bundeswehr in 1955.