Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence will host a NATO Technical Exploitation Workshop to be held in Vyškov, Czech Republic from 29 November – 1 December 2017. This workshop is an activity under the Emerging Security Challenges Division’s Defence Against Terrorism Program of Work (Reinforced) and will be co-chaired by the Danish Army Intelligence Centre and the NATO Headquarters International Staff Emerging Security Challenges Division Counter-Terrorism Section [NATO HQ – IS/ESC(CT)]. One aim of the workshop will be to facilitate coordination between C-IED, EOD and the CBRN community. Just for you information: Technical Exploitation is the application of scientific methods to gain further knowledge and insight from information, materiel and captured persons.



Technical exploitation supports the commander’s priorities including targeting, operations, judicial proceedings, force protection and training. This workshop will be open to participants from all NATO, and seven non-NATO-nations (Australia, Austria, Ireland, Finland, New Zealand, Sweden, and Switzerland), ideally Military/Government officials of OF-2 to OF-5 level with technical exploitation capability development responsibilities, from the sub-tactical level to theatre and national level as well as weapons intelligence and intelligence experts and functional subject matter experts. A high level of active participation by attendees is expected. An invitation was already distributed through official NATO channels.